Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A slew of WIP's

Here's a showcase of at least 13 different drawings I've been working on. Some I've posted before and 'still' haven't finished and others have pretty much hit the scrap bin and probably will never be finished. While others yet will indeed be finished and are fairly new. Just thought I'd give a look at some of the stuff I've been working on and at least give a peak at some of the stuff that I probably won't finish so at least the idea is presented even if it never truly see's the light of day.

From top to bottom, left to right we have Billy Coen, Carlos Oliveira, RE6 Leon Kennedy, Crispin "Dee-Ay" Jettingham, Wolverine, Gambit, Max Greenfield 1, Max Greenfield 2, Tidus, Cid Wyndhaven 1, Cid Wyndhaven 2, J. August Richards and Henry Townsend.

The Leon pic is aborted because it just came out terrible in the long run. Gambit pic won't be aborted but will be changed because I don't like it's current look but it's salvageable at least, unlike Leon. Tidus is in limbo on whether it'll ever get finished or not, Carlos needs a face lift and J. August Richards is aborted because I wasn't a fan of how he came out either unfortunately. The rest will get finished hopefully soon though.

But, anyway, just wanted to at least give some tribute to some of the pieces that I scrapped. Especially J. August Richards (Gunn from Angel) since he's the first african american guy I've drawn. And it's a shame it came out so badly because back in the early seasons of Angel, he was a really attractive guy. Hopefully if I give him another try in the future, I can make a better go of it and do him some justice. Leon I tried making right after the first RE6 trailer was released, before any actual views of RE6 Leon were really available to get his look down. But, it just came out terrible and then actual good renders of Leon came out so it's not worth it.

Anyway, this post is long enough. Hope you enjoyed the peak at some of stuff I've been working on at least.

Take Care all.


Sidious said...

Looks like a lovely bit of hotness to look forward to!
Did you see the Gambit gif on my blog I just posted last night?
I think you'll like it.

Harper said...

Just saw it. It's actually quite cool. Not a huge fan of the jockstrap but hey, it wasn't for my tastes but yours so :) It's pretty awesome though.

I just finished a Brad Burns pic that's by far the best pic I've ever drawn. Need to fix his arms and then do shading but yeah, It should be up within the next few days. I'm really proud of it.

After seeing that GIF I might work on reworking my Gambit pic next or start a new one. Thanks for sharing :)

Shobu001 said...

Sid's pictures are hot, love the tradtional cut of his briefs

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